Job Stability is More Important Than Passion for Most College Students, According to the Way to Work™ Survey

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According to Adecco Staffing’s most recent Way to Work™ survey, 79 percent of students between ages 18-20 are optimistic they will find a job in five months or less, however finding a job is still their primary concern. One of the more surprising results of the survey, however, is the fact that 70 percent of students would prefer a stable job without a high level of emotional investment or passion over a job with lots of passion but no job security.

The Way to Work™ survey was conducted online by ORC International from March 2-11, 2015, among 1,001 U.S. students that are currently in college, or recently graduated within the last few months aged 18-24.

444 respondents fell into the Generation Z category (those born after 1995), and 557 fell into the Millennial generation (those born between 1980 – 1995). The first members of ‘Gen Z’ are now entering college and while they are still young, differences between this group and Millennials are starting to appear.

Way to Work™ is a global initiative founded on Adecco’s belief that the right to work is universal and that people entering the job market for the first time should start off on the right foot. We also believe that a knowledgeable, global citizen has a vested interest in arming people with the tools they need to succeed in the workforce.

Click here to read the full results of the survey!