Using Apps to Fast Track Your Professional Development Goals
It’s no secret that we live in a mobile-driven, on-the-go world. With Gen Z entering the workforce and gradually building their professional networks, it’s more necessary than ever to stay plugged-in if you want to evolve professionally. It’s all about building a personal brand, luckily there are tons of apps to help with this and further advance your career.
First, lets narrow down what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for a juicy tidbit or a high-level update, Twitter is great. But if you’re looking for industry specific content that could influence your decision-making and planning, turn to the resources that your boss is leveraging. Current events don’t have to be a snooze fest; many apps have interactive components and the ability to cater search results to your changing needs. Maybe you are a social butterfly? As you may know, staying connected is a MUST in business! To find great opportunities you must first be accessible. There are plenty of apps that act as your first line of communication with friends and colleagues. Maintain and expand your digital footprint by joining Facebook, Twitter and Google+, then use these resources to manage the career enhancing connections you find on your social networks.
Lets take a closer look into some of the best apps available.
NPR (Free)
First, this app is FREE, which is hard to find when it comes to quality journalism. Second, you’ll be able to listen to local, National and archived news and search by topic. With hourly updates, you’ll get in-depth award-winning coverage on topics that influence everything from medicine, energy, finance, tech, education, culture & foreign policy.
NYTimes (Free download with ongoing monthly service fees)
Read about what’s going on in America’s largest and most trend-inducing city and beyond. If you’re in a creative, government or finance field, the NYTimes is a must and digital access is significantly less expensive than print.
Wall Street Journal (Free download with ongoing monthly service fees)
If you’re in finance or working directly with anyone in a tenured leadership position they’re probably reading “The Journal”. This publication has gained tremendous esteem amongst banker types and is known for predictive economic forecasting.
Flipboard (Free)
Are you interested in a ton of topics that impact your career? If so, Flipboard can help you suss out recent, trending articles that pertain to your interests. With what appears to every topic imaginable, you simply click on all your interests and voilà, they appear in an easy to navigate, magazine-like layout.
LinkedIn (Free)
With over 500 million users, LinkedIn is the modern day professional facebook for everyone in the workforce from fresh graduates to seasoned professionals. Don’t already have a LinkedIn or need a refresh? Follow these guidelines for building a stellar LinkedIn profile! Keep in mind while you’re downloading the app, our recruiters ask that you enable your “push” notifications so when you have an incredible, next-step opportunity you’ll be notified immediately!
Dropbox (Free Download)
Personal development requires room for growth and easy document sharing. Thus: Dropbox. Put all of your key documents, notes and presentations safely in the cloud then share your PowerPoint with the ones that truly matter (Bonus-deciding bosses and your mentors) at a moment’s notice.
Evernote (Free Download with Basic Account)
Imagine a place where all notes, important sites and creative ideas can be stored across multiple devices. Oh wait, you don’t have to: Evernote did it! And even the stodgiest executives are using it. Hoard knowledge and impress the supremely organized by having this app.
Inbox by Gmail (Free)
Chances are you have a personal Gmail account for all of your job-seeking and personal chit-chats. And if you don’t, and your email address ends in @aol.com, then it’s beyond time for an upgrade! With this app, Gmail becomes a seamless, magical experience where unwanted solicitations go unnoticed but personal, legitimate communications rise to the top.
Hootsuite (Free)
Maintaining your vast digital existence is tough but necessary. Hootsuite helps you monitor Your Facebook, Twitter and Google+ accounts via one streamlined dashboard. Know what your personal and professional network is up to, and share content that showcases your professional aptitude and desire to learn.
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