If you aren’t ready, it’s time to get ready! Halloween is right around the corner. Adecco is here with the perfect way to celebrate Halloween at work.
Pick the Perfect Costume
If you are anything like Team Adecco, you are agonizing over your costume choice. You want to be witty, without without being inappropriate. You want to win the costume contest, but are working with limited materials. So many Halloween costumes walk a thin line. If you are feeling uninspired, check out Popsugar’s 35 Work-Appropriate Costumes.
Make it Festive
Getting dressed up and watching a parade of strangely dressed co-workers walk in is only half the fun. Making the office a Hallowonderland is the other half. While very few office budgets support lavish Halloween decorations, you can do a lot with just a little. Fake cobwebs? Done and done.
A great way to increase the wow factor is to host a decorating contest. Employees purchase their own supplies, compete for bragging rights and the office looks like an alternate universe!
Pitch a Potluck
You can’t have Halloween at work without some sweet treats. A Halloween themed potluck will keep the festive spirit and provide a sense of camaraderie. You can turn the potluck into a contest as well. Give a prize for the yummiest and spookiest dishes!
Have a party
Take some time to celebrate. Take an hour or so out of the daily schedule to allow people to socialize. Halloween has become a creative holiday that allows people to be themselves. Think of it as an investment in your office culture. When people feel comfortable around each other, the flow of ideas and information runs a lot smoother. Plus, happiness does increase productivity in the long run.
Don’t forget the kiddos
If your office is near a residential area, allow kids to trick or treat in the office. Halloween at work is the perfect way to collect candy safely. This is especially true for parents with young children, who are a little too tiny for the traditional trick or treating.
If not, consider letting employees go a bit early. The sun is setting faster, it’s a school night and parents have to work in the morning. Once again, think of this as a cultural investment. By demonstrating a bit of flexibility on a holiday, you’ll see workers who will continue to invest in your company.