Happy Employee at His Desk
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How to Have More Autonomy at Work

CEOs and executive team members have clear lines of ownership and, ultimately, a great deal of accountability for their companies and teams. However, ownership isn’t an idea reserved for management.  Having a strong sense of ownership and accountability are traits top employees demonstrate as well, and introducing autonomy in the workplace can help increase these traits. […] Read Article “How to Have More Autonomy at Work”

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Internships 101: Simplifying Your Search in 3 Steps

Thinking internships might be a smart path for you? The good news is that the value of internship experiences are still strong in the eyes of employers. According to an annual survey done by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), 95% of employers reported that candidate experience is a factor when hiring. Finding the […] Read Article “Internships 101: Simplifying Your Search in 3 Steps”

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4 Ways to Turn a Seasonal Pink Slip into an Opportunity

If you’re a seasonal worker, you may be in search of your next gig now that the holidays are over. But worry not- you just spent an entire quarter building your resume and sharpening your skills! Now is the time to scrutinize your resume, evaluate your social media profiles, embark on the job hunt and […] Read Article “4 Ways to Turn a Seasonal Pink Slip into an Opportunity”

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3 Key Shifts in the Candidate Driven Workforce

Welcome to the ABC’s of what it means to be an employer in a candidate driven market. With the employment rate dipping below 5%, and the number of long term unemployed down year-over-year, the hunt for talent is tight. Don’t worry we are here to give you the candidate outlook and arm you with tools […] Read Article “3 Key Shifts in the Candidate Driven Workforce”

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Hire military spouses! Turn employment barriers into strengths

It’s Military Appreciation Month and very nearly Veteran’s Day. So this week, Adecco is looking to hire military. We aren’t just talking about the soldiers that keep us safe. We’re talking about the spouses that have their backs! The MilSpouse. Did you know that the unemployment rate for military spouses is 12%? That’s higher than […] Read Article “Hire military spouses! Turn employment barriers into strengths”

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The Millennialisms: Quick Tips for Managing Millennials

The Millennial takeover has arrived. That’s right. As of 2015, Millennials are the largest proportion of the workforce. Technology and positive economic conditions have made the world of work different for this group – and many employers are feeling the resulting intergenerational tension. You might be feeling it to. Don’t sweat it. Adecco is coming […] Read Article “The Millennialisms: Quick Tips for Managing Millennials”

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How Employers Can Help During a Tragedy

Work isn’t just work, it’s a part of our lives. For many of us, it’s one of the biggest parts of our lives. We get up, we get dressed and we get ready to face the day. In light of recent tragedies, you may find that facing the day is more difficult than usual. As […] Read Article “How Employers Can Help During a Tragedy”

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The Real Deal Behind The FLSA Overtime Regulations

Today, Joe Biden has announced the new Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) changes, impacting an estimated 4.2 million working Americans. The FLSA is the federal law that governs overtime pay and other labor issues. Although the changes became law today, covered employers are not required to implement them until December 1st of 2016. The changes […] Read Article “The Real Deal Behind The FLSA Overtime Regulations”

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5 People Every Small Business Needs Now

The Mentor Small businesses can’t always afford traditional training and development programs. Fortunately, hiring technically talented professional who are also gifted teachers, offsets training and development challenges. These internal teachers eliminate the need to spend money on outside resources and can convey valuable institutional knowledge. Mentors also educate new hires on company culture, processes and […] Read Article “5 People Every Small Business Needs Now”