Time management, team-building and real world experience. How can recent grads searching for jobs personally benefit from volunteering?
Category: Job Search Tips

Gen Y Can’t I Get a Job? [infographic]
The Adecco infographic below explores why today’s grads have a hard time finding jobs (the majority of hiring managers (66 percent) do not believe new college graduates are prepared for the workforce, and 58 percent don’t plan on hiring entry-level college graduates this year) and what they can do to overcome some of mainstream media’s harshest millennial myths and criticisms.

Landing a Job After Graduation
There are approximately 1.8 million new grads entering the workforce this year. If you’re one of them, chances are you can use a little help in your job search.
That’s because, according to our recent survey, a majority of employers (58 percent) are not planning to hire college grads this year. Of those that are, they only plan on hiring one or two candidates. Crazy right?

5 Things Your HR Department Wants You To Know
Your Human Resources department is in a tough spot, no really, you may not think so, but they are. In addition to managing salary and benefits, doing all the hiring (and the occasional unfortunate termination), and administering performance reviews, they also have to play mediator. The HR department can be the mediator between employees, between […] Read Article “5 Things Your HR Department Wants You To Know”
Working Abroad? Know the Do’s and Don’t’s of Business Etiquette
When business takes you abroad, research is imperative. Read up on dining etiquette, male-female interaction, proper titles and terms of address, and customary attire. No matter where you go, there’s no greater faux pas than being unprepared.
Working Abroad Options
By Scott Westcott When deciding on whether to work abroad a few years ago, Elena Sheppard , Culture Editor at PolicyMic, thought of Mark Twain’s famous words: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” With that notion in mind, she […] Read Article “Working Abroad Options”

Adecco Way to Work Careerathons a Success!
With the average unemployment rate plateauing around 7.6% Detroit and Los Angeles soar well above that average. It’s time we stand up to unemployment around the world. Join us in spreading the word by participating in Way to Work and our newest initiative Around the World in 80 Jobs.

How to Turn An Internship Into a Full-Time Job
These days internships might be an essential stepping stone to your first job offer, but a stint (or several) as an intern is no guarantee of a paid job after graduation. In fact, new research from consultancy Millennial Branding and online career network AfterCollege found that while 79% of students have had at least one […] Read Article “How to Turn An Internship Into a Full-Time Job”
Celebrating the #awesomeadmin
Administrative professionals may just be the most essential people in the office. After all, they help keep their bosses – and their businesses – running smoothly and productively. Our new infographic explores just how important administrative professionals really are, and breaks down the essential things you need to know about the profession today. How else […] Read Article “Celebrating the #awesomeadmin”

Adecco to Host Way to Work Careerathons Across the Country
As of January 2013, the U.S. unemployment rate for 18-29 year olds was 13.1%. When you include the 1.7 million young adults who have stopped looking for a job, it was 16.2% – double the national average. At Adecco, we want to change these numbers, and change the lives of young professionals throughout the country. […] Read Article “Adecco to Host Way to Work Careerathons Across the Country”