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Big violations, big fines: What to know about California’s new OSHA laws

Workplace safety regulations are getting stricter. Effective January 1, 2022, California Senate Bill 606 will dramatically expand OSHA’s enforcement powers, meaning stringent fines for employers who fall foul of their OSHA compliance responsibilities. And although the new law is state-level, California tends to set the bar when it comes to workplace safety. So, employers coast […] Read Article “Big violations, big fines: What to know about California’s new OSHA laws”

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Surviving holiday hiring during the supply chain crunch

Pent-up consumer spending is roaring back after 18 months of disruption. But the supply chains that crisscross the world are woefully tangled, threatening shortages in everything from Thanksgiving turkeys to semiconductors to toilet paper. Below, we unpack the supply chain crisis and offer our advice on getting your business – and your people – through […] Read Article “Surviving holiday hiring during the supply chain crunch”

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Seasonal staffing in retail and ecommerce: 5 steps to holiday hiring success

These days, retailers aren’t just in battle for consumer dollars. They’re going to war for seasonal workers. Job seekers have enormous choice and that puts employers under pressure to hire the best temporary staff as early as possible. Just consider that last year, Amazon went on a hiring spree to recruit 100,000 seasonal workers for […] Read Article “Seasonal staffing in retail and ecommerce: 5 steps to holiday hiring success”